- Etymotic ER4 XR with Etymotion Wireless Bluetooth Cable

- 轻蜂加速器破解版
- ER•20XS Universal Fit
- ETY•Plugs Earplugs
- Music•PRO Electronic Earplugs
- 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网
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- Home Hearing Test

Musicians practice and perform in varied settings. What they have in common is the risk of permanent hearing damage from the cumulative effects of overexposure to loud sound over a lifetime. Custom and ready-fit earplugs are designed to provide accurate sound reproduction; sound is the same as the original, just quieter—and safer.
ER•4 earphones, the world's first noise-isolating, high-fidelity in-ear earphones, were developed in 1991. ER•4 circuitry has been emulated in custom monitors for over two decades. ER•4s are used by many performing musicians. Since all Etymotic earphones are highly accurate, musicians on a budget can use any earphones as in-ear monitors.

- GSP•15 GunSport•PRO
Electronic Earplugs
Other Items:
- Home Hearing Test
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Why Electronic Earplugs?
Electronic earplugs allow natural hearing when sound levels are safe, and provide protection from blasts such as gunfire, and loud, continuous, steady-state noise such as machinery and vehicles.

- ETY•Plugs® HD•Safety™ Earplugs
Other Items:
- Home Hearing Test
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Passive or Electronic Earplugs?
Use passive earplugs when you want to hear all sounds clearly, but quieter. When worn correctly, ETY•Plugs HD Safety Earplugs reduce all sounds the same amount so speech and environmental sounds are heard clearly. The amount of sound reduction provided by these earplugs is enough protection for most industrial uses.
Use HD-15 轻蜂加速器使用方法 for natural hearing when no noise is present and automatic protection when noise exceeds safe levels. Natural hearing is instantly restored when sound returns to safe levels.
Job Site Safety and Hearing Protection
HD Safety Earplugs (passive) and HD-15 Earplugs (active) are appropriate for most work environments. HD5 Safety Earphones are engineered for safe sound output and superior sound quality. Use of these earphones at full volume on portable music players is within OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits for 10 ½ hours per day (52 ½ hours per week).

Safe Listening for Kids:
- ETY Kids5 Earphones
- ETY Kids3 Headset + Earphones
- ETY•Plugs Earplugs
- 轻蜂加速器破解版

It's about hearing for a lifetime
Today's tech-connected kids live in a high-def world. They experience Blu-ray, surround-sound, life-like computer graphics and 3-D movies. They are bombarded by sound from television, toys, game consoles, music players and in-vehicle entertainment systems. Parents can choose safe-listening earphones for their kids and reinforce healthy hearing habits to help their kids hear well for a lifetime.